I have read the [Consent to collection and Use of personal Information] and agree to the contents. (If you do not agree, you will not be able to apply for employment.)
개인정보 수집 및 이용에 관한 동의(Consent to collection and use of personal information)
Do you have a valid visa for working in Korea? Please specify which one you have. (e.g. Korean Citizen, F-4, D-10, etc)
Please specify your Linkedin profile URL if you have any.
채용에 합격하였을 경우, 관련 서류를 제출해야 합니다.
Please check if you are subject to disability benefits
채용에 합격하였을 경우, 관련 서류를 제출해야 합니다.
Please check if you are subject to military veteran benefits
The guidance of every recruiting process will be sent by emails. Please check your mail box (even Spam folder) regularly after applying for this position. We kindly recommend you to use your gmail address for this candidacy in order to avoid missing mails.